Monday, August 28, 2023


Passive Mob
Health Points: 32

Camels are passive mobs that can only be found in desert villages. One camel will spawn with each desert village on world generation. When killed, they will drop 1-3 experience. Baby camels will not drop anything.

To ride camels, they must first be equipped with a saddle. This can be done by clicking Use on the camel while holding the saddle, or by accessing the camel's inventory. The camel's inventory can be accessed by mounting the camel and opening your inventory, or by sneaking and clicking Use on the camel. Unlike other rideable mobs, camels can hold up to two players instead of being limited to one.

Once a saddle is equipped, the camel can be controlled using the standard movement controls, and players can dismount using the control for sneaking. While riding a camel, the player's hunger bar will be replaced by the camel's health. If, while in water, the player's head is submerged, the camel will throw them off.

Saddled camels also have the unique ability to dash charge. Holding down the jump button and then releasing it will launch the camel up to 12 blocks forward and up to 1 block upward. The dash will be more powerful the longer the jump button is held down, and the player's experience bar will be replaced by a dash charging bar. After dash charging, the camel will not be able to dash charge or sprint for 2.75 seconds.

A camel's height gives them several unique abilities. First, they are able to walk over fences and blocks with a slab on top of them. Second, they are so tall that while a player is seated on them, certain melee mobs, such as zombies, vindicators, and silverfish, will not be able to attack them. Mobs like spiders or wolves, however, will still be able to reach the player, as they climb or jump to attack.

Camels will follow a player holding cactus within a 10-block radius on Java Edition and a 16-block radius on Bedrock Edition, and if two camels are fed cactus by the player, they will enter love mode and breed, and the player will be rewarded with 1-7 experience. Those camels will then not be able to enter love mode again for 5 minutes. It will take 20 minutes for the baby camel to grow into an adult. The growth process can also be sped up by feeding the baby camel cactus.

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